On this page you will find contact information for security, the property management company, the building superintendent and more.


Security can be emailed at security@seascapehoa.com - please be advised that this address is not monitored 24/7 and is for non-emergencies only. If you have an emergency, please call 911 to summon police, fire or ambulance services.

The number for the security booth at the gate is (409) 795-1896.

Building Superintendent

The current building superintendent is Kurt Shirmer and he can be reached at (409) 761-0554.

Property Management

The property is managed by Etheredge Property Management, of 3206 Palmer Highway, Texas City, Texas, 77590. We currently have two property management representatives:

Bill Etheredge can be reached at bether3206@aol.com or (409) 945-2577, extension 14.

Leslie Duke can be reached at epm2577@aol.com or (409) 945-2577, extension 18.

Web Site Issues

Any problems with the web site or comments on the content should be reported by email to support@seascapehoa.com.

Contact HOA Directly

If the above did not resolve your issue, click the button to contact the HOA directly.